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The Extraordinary Actions of Satan and the Evil Spirits Part II: A 4 Day, 3 Night SILENT Retreat with Fr. Robert-Joel Cruz (Newcomers are welcome to attend)


The Extraordinary Actions of Satan and the Evil Spirits (Fallen Angels) Part II:

Newcomers are welcome to attend.

A 4 Day, 3 Night SILENT Retreat with Fr. Robert-Joel Cruz

$400.00 Per Retreatant (includes Lectures, Lodging, and Meals)

  • Thursday, March 6th

    6:00pm | Dinner / Review of In House Protocol and Guidelines

    7:00pm | Holy Mass followed by Opening Conference


    Friday, March 7th

    7:00am | Holy Mass

    8:00am | Breakfast

    9:30am | Conference

    12:00pm | Lunch

    2:30pm | Conference

    5:00pm | Evening Prayers with Holy Rosary

    6:00pm | Supper

    7:00pm | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Other Prayers


    Saturday, March 8th

    7:00am | Holy Mass

    8:00am | Breakfast

    9:30am | Conference

    12:00pm | Lunch

    2:30pm | Conference

    5:00pm | Evening Prayers with Holy Rosary

    6:00pm | Supper

    7:00pm | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Other Prayers


    Sunday, March 9th

    7:00am | Morning Prayers in Private

    8:00am | Breakfast

    9:00am | Final Conference

    11:30am | Closing Holy Mass

    12:30pm | Departure


A quick look…

  • In the history of salvation, there are angelic creatures, some of whom serve the Divine plan and offer a mysterious and powerful help to the Church and God’s people; others, on the other hand, fallen from their original dignity and called diabolical, oppose the will and salvific action of God that is fulfilled in Christ, and seek to associate man with their rebellion against God… From DESQ (De Exorcismis et Supplicationibus Quibusdam), citta de Vaticano

  • In this Silent Directed Retreat, we will consider the other way that Satan and the evil spirits come to us. In the previous Retreats, we looked deeply on the ordinary action of Satan and demons – how they use this ordinary action to snare us, to tempt us to fall into sin and to keep us sinning, to rebel against our Good Lord, etc. Now on this beginning of Lent 2025 Retreat, we will consider the extraordinary action of Satan and demons against all humanity.

  • Yes, there are multiple ways in which the enemy makes his way to try to take over people or to attack us. From the most serious, in which the person makes a pact with the devil to the most common in which, by our action or omission, the person has let the evil one into his life. These people experience in themselves the dominion that the devil comes to have over them. In the most serious situations, this dominion can be almost absolute: the devil sometimes remains hidden for years and becomes present when that person approaches God.

  • Also, in these cases there can be harassment and vexations in which, without being possessed, the person suffers damages in his body or in his thoughts and imaginations, that can cause terrible confusion, depression, suffering and produce an authentic torture.

  • We will look on then on this extraordinary action of Satan and demons: diabolical vexation/oppression, obsession, possession, infestation, etc.

  • Experience tells us that some types of sins favor the extraordinary action of the enemy: unconfessed or unrepaired mortal sins, injustices, refusal of forgiveness, attacking the faith of the little ones, murder, participating or attending séances of spiritism, occultism, esotericism or magic, amulets or talismans that are consecrated with rituals, astrology with invocations to spirits, objects of magic, masks or "deities" of the countries one visits, attending rites such as macumba, voodoo and other new age practices and “techniques” including reiki and associations that involve an occult rite of initiation, music with satanic invitation - including those concerts that glorify Satan -- necrophilia, coven, suicide, blasphemy,. And, of course, the evil spell and curses as an instrument to cause harm to others (going to witches, shamans...).

    Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and with fear and trembling stand; ponder nothing earthly minded, for with blessing in His hand, Christ our God to earth descendeth, our full homage to demand.

    Rank on rank the host of heaven spreads its vanguard on the way, as the Light of light descendeth from the realms of endless day, that the powers of hell may vanish as the darkness clears away.

    At his feet the six winged seraph; cherubim, with sleepless eye, veil their faces to the Presence, as with ceaseless voice they cry, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Lord Most High. Liturgy of St. James (5th C.); trans. Gerard Moultrie (1864)

    Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God's love commits me here, Ever this day, be at my side, To light and guard, To rule and guide. Amen.


    Ave Maria!

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Contact us at (601)202-3137 if you have any questions.

Cancellation Policy: 15 days or more prior to event: 100% Refund / 8 to 14 days prior to event: 50% Refund / 7 days and less prior to event: 0% Refund



Earlier Event: March 5
Ash Wednesday