St. John


John At a Glance

• Son of Zebedee.

• Brother of James the Greater. (Sons of Thunder)(Boanerges)

• Was called “The Beloved Disciple”.

• Laid his head on our Savior’s chest at the Last Supper.

• Witness at the Wedding at Cana.

• Witness at the Transfiguration.

• Witness at the Garden of Gethsemane.

• Witness to the Crucifixion.

• Accompanied Peter to the Tomb of Christ on Easter Sunday.

• Explained the purpose of his gospel, “…but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name.”

Small T Tradition: The Exile and Death of John

Tradition holds that St. John was thrown into a cauldron of burning oil and suffered no injuries. Later after Emperor Domitian came to power, St. John was banished to a prison colony called Patmos. According to St. Jerome, he finally was overtaken by a crippling illness. Even then he insisted on being literally carried into the church by his disciples and taken to the front of the congregation where he managed to say, “Little children, love one another.” Some of his disciples asked him why he went to such trouble when he had so little to say. “It is the Lord’s command, and if this alone is done, it is enough.” When his death drew near, he directed that his disciples dig his grave outside the city limits. As the sun was setting one evening, he asked to be carried to his grave. Signing himself with the cross he prayed, “Be thou with me, Lord Jesus Christ.” He gazed at his disciples and said, “Peace be with you, my brethren,” and went to be with the Lord.